Berlin Kafka 2024

Kafka Events May - October 2024

Franz Kafka is widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. As 2024 marks the centenary of his death, a range of events are being held in Berlin and beyond to celebrate his life and work.


The Kafka family photo album (March 1 - June 2 2024)

On the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, the Stabi Kulturwerk is showing an extensive exhibition with around 130 original photographs of Kafka's family, many of them previously unpublished and shown in this compilation for the first time. Please see the link below for more details:

»Das Fotoalbum der Familie Kafka« 1. März – 2. Juni 2024 – Stabi Kulturwerk ( 


"Du bist gekommen und bleibst" (May 28 2024)

This event will look at the Kafka memorial year from an Austrian, Czech and German perspective and the impact of his life and work in the three countries. Please see the link below for more details:

Du bist gekommen und bleibst. Zum 100. Todestag Franz Kafkas - Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin 


Franz Kafka - The second century (June 3 - June 4 2024)

The Academy of the Arts will attempt to reach the depths of the poet's fascination, with key lectures from internationally renowned Kafka experts. Please see the link below for more details:

Franz Kafka – das zweite Jahrhundert | Kafka 2024 


Access Kafka (December 13 2024 - May 4 2025)

100 years after Kafka's death, this exhibition brings his legacy into dialogue with contemporary art, opening up new approaches to his oeuvre. Please see the link below for more details:

Access Kafka | Jüdisches Museum Berlin ( 


Wider Germany & Europe

Programm | Kafka 2024 

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