On June 17, 2023 from 5 pm to midnight, a variety of scientific institutions across Berlin and Potsdam invite you to visit and explore their laboratories, archives, libraries and lecture halls that are otherwise not usually open to the public. The 21st annual Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (‘The Long Night of Sciences’) showcases exciting scientific experiments, current research results and stimulating talks.
Dialogue between science and citizens
Lively interpersonal engagement, coupled with the opportunity to see places that are often ‘hidden’ from the public, along with excitement of this ‘After-Hours’ style event, promise to make this event particularly appealing. Last year, almost 27,000 visitors seized the opportunity to partake in this event, but it's not just the attendees who can learn a lot on a science night! This direct public engagement is inspiring for scientists too. That's why there are more and more discussion formats and opportunities to participate in the extensive Lange Nacht program. More than 2,000 individual events will take place, including more than 300, which are specially designed for children and young people.
"Be smarter": Long Night of the Sciences promotes real research
As every year, the Long Night of the Sciences 2023 takes a stand against misrepresentations, invented truths and irrationalism with the guiding principle: Science as an answer to fake news, conspiracy theories and fatal errors.
Directions to the sites of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023
Most of the participating institutions are easily accessible by public transport. Special bus lines have been set up to get to some venues. These can be viewed on the organiser's website (
Click here for programme and tickets